Baby on Board: Insurance Checkup for New Parents

Baby on Board: Insurance Checkup for New Parents

If you’re about to enter the realm of parenthood, one thing’s for certain: everything in life is about to change.

You’ll trade late nights out for sleepless nights in. You’ll master new skills – like changing diapers and soothing a newborn. And most importantly, you’ll have the responsibility of caring for a new member of your family.

Having your first child is a huge milestone. And like any other major life change, it means it’s a good time to evaluate your insurance needs and make sure you have the right coverage in place.

We know you’ve got a lot to prepare for – and your insurance policies probably aren’t top of mind. So here’s a quick list of things you should consider before bringing home your new baby.

Homeowners Insurance Considerations for New Parents

  • Tell your agent about any renovations. As you prepare to bring your baby home, chances are you may have taken on a few extra projects around the house. If you’ve made any major changes to your home – like adding on space for a new nursery or finishing your basement to transform it into a playroom – then you should give your Insurance agent a call.That’s because home repairs and renovations can increase the value of your home, which should be reflected in the limits on your homeowners policy. This ensures your home will be fully protected in the event of a loss. An insurance professional like an KVIS & Coe agent can help you understand choices in limits and deductibles so you get the coverage you need within your budget.
  • Update your home inventory. As a new parent, you may be surprised at how much gear you’ll acquire in taking care of your child. And from strollers and cribs to high-tech video monitors and clothing, the potential cost of replacing all those items can add up fast.As you unpack those gifts from your baby shower, it’s a good time to consider updating your home inventory. By making a record of all the new items in your home, you can streamline the process of replacing them in the event of a covered loss.
  • Enhance your protection. Starting a family can bring you a lot of joy. But it also comes with added risk. To make your home a safe place for children of all ages, you may want to consider making some physical changes to baby-proof your home.

Auto Insurance Considerations for New Parents

  • Brush up on car seat safety. As a new parent, learning the ins and outs of child safety seats can get a bit overwhelming. But purchasing the right car seat for your baby – and making sure it’s properly installed in your vehicle – should never be overlooked. To get an overview of car seat safety, check out Erie’s Parent’s Guide to Car Seats.You should also know that if you’re ever in an auto accident, your car seat may need to be replaced. At KVIS & Coe, we conduct a thorough review of the vehicle damage and follow National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) guidelines to determine if a car seat may have been damaged. If so, we’ll replace your car seat as part of your insurance claim. For questions about the specifics of car seat replacement, talk to your KVIS & Coe claims representative or call your local KVIS agent.
  • Evaluate your vehicle’s safety. Nothing will make you think about your car’s safety more than driving home from the hospital with a newborn in tow. Check out Erie’s maintenance and repair tips for advice on how to keep your car in tip-top shape.If your newly acquired parenthood status has you considering a new ride, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) TOP SAFETY PICKs should be on your short list. As a nonprofit research and education organization, IIHS conducts crash tests to determine which vehicles do the best job of protecting people in the most common kinds of crashes – front, side, rollover and rear. They also evaluate other vehicle safety features, such as headlights and crash avoidance technology.

Life Insurance Considerations for New Parents

  • Purchase life insurance for your newborn. Major life changes like getting married or buying a house are often when people think about buying life insurance for the first time – and for good reason. Another major milestone that warrants considering life insurance is the birth of a child.There’s advantages to purchasing a policy at a young age: lower rates and future insurability. Because insurers price policies based on risk (and young people have a far lower mortality rate than older groups), your rates are generally less expensive if you’re young and healthy. Buying a policy when you’re young and healthy (and adding a Guaranteed Insurability Option rider1) makes it easier for you to buy more coverage in the future. Plus, you’ll have a policy (locked in at a great rate) now, should you ever need it. Buying a life insurance policy for these reasons helped one young woman when she received a life-changing diagnosis.
  • Purchase life insurance for yourself. If you haven’t purchased a life policy for yourself yet, there’s no better reason than the birth of your child. A life insurance policy can help provide for your family if anything ever happens to you by covering expenses like funeral arrangements, mortgage payments or college tuition. It can also help replace the income of a parent and avoid potential financial hardship for the family.
  • Update your will and beneficiaries. When your child is born, you’ll likely want them to be named as a beneficiary to your estate. To do that, you’ll need to write a will. So whether you’re one of the 60% of Americans without a will, or you just haven’t updated yours in a while, now is a good time to take action.Updating your will is the perfect time to name a legal guardian for your child and consult an attorney on the best way to set up a trust for your child, if needed.

Unlock Insurance Savings

With a new child on the way, we know your household budget will be undergoing some changes, too. If you’re looking for ways to save on insurance premiums that don’t compromise your coverage, your local KVIS & Coe agent can help. Schedule a personalized coverage review today to learn about the insurance discounts you may be eligible for.

When you work with an experienced agent in your community, you’ll get coverage that fits your life and protects all that matters most to you. Get the insurance you need – and nothing you don’t – from an KVIS & Coe agent.

1Guaranteed Insurability Option rider is subject to underwriting approval. Not available on all plans. Issue ages 0-40. The opportunity to add coverage is available when certain qualifying life events occur. Talk to your Agent for rider specifics, option dates, availability, terms and conditions. Additional cost applies. The original purchase of GIO rider is subject to underwriting.


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