Discover Individual Long-Term Care Insurance options that cover your situation at the best possible rate. Our knowledgeable insurance service agents are ready to help now… we work for you, not the carriers.
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We offer free, comparative Individual Long-Term Care Insurance quotes from multiple carriers so you can get the best possible rate. Want to see how much we can save you? Just request a quote and find out.
Individual Long-Term Care Insurance Coverage
Long Term Care is the type of care received either at home or in a facility, when someone needs assistance with activities of daily living, such as bathing and dressing due to an accident, an illness or advancing age.
Rising life expectancy means that the potential need for “long-term care” grows with every passing year of your life. The likelihood is that you or a member of your family will need long-term assistance due to a prolonged illness, a disability, or general deterioration of your health and ability to perform routine daily activities.
Most long term care expenses are not covered by Social Security or Medicare, Medicare Supplement (“Medigap”), or private health insurance. Medicaid pays for nearly half of all nursing home care, but you must meet federal poverty guidelines and may have to “spend down” most of your assets on health care.
(610) 459-4444
Discover Individual Long-Term Care Insurance options that cover your situation at the best possible rate. Our knowledgeable insurance service agents are ready to help now… we work for you, not the carriers.
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We offer free, comparative Individual Long-Term Care Insurance quotes from multiple carriers so you can get the best possible rate. Want to see how much we can save you? Just request a quote and find out.
Individual Long-Term Care Insurance Quote:
New Jersey
West Virginia
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