Who Should Have An Umbrella Policy?
Everyone. Everyone that has assets to protect especially those with extraordinary hazards like swimming pools, dogs/ animals, owners of more than one property, young drivers, and kids in general. Umbrella insurance is a type of personal liability insurance that covers claims in excess of regular homeowners, auto, watercraft, or other insurance policy coverage.
Why It’s Important To Have An Umbrella Policy?
Your home and auto carrier requires certain underlying limits, for instance, $250,000 per person/ $500,000 per auto accident as an example. Umbrella Insurance Policies add additional coverage above and beyond those set limits to help protect you and your family from potential liens and/or lawsuits you’re deemed liable for.
Why Choose KVIS & Coe For Your Umbrella Insurance?
It is best to have your umbrella with the agent that controls your Home and Auto policies so all of your exposures are accounted for. KVIS & Coe agent will discuss your exposures and we will be able to provide a quote based on your underlying liability risks. Even if you have some complications, we will work with you to find the best pricing we can.
Get The Best Possible
Personal Umbrella Insurance Rate!
We offer free, comparative Personal Umbrella Insurance quotes from multiple carriers including Travelers Insurance so you can get the best possible rate. Want to see how much we can save you? Just request a quote and find out.
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Since 1973
Frequently Asked Questions:
Who Needs an Umbrella?
What Are the Major Benefits?
What Is the Cost?
How Much Coverage Is Recommended?
What Are the Primary Policy Requirements?
Can You Be Turned Down for Coverage?
What Policy Features Are Recommended?
Umbrella as a Rider or as a Stand-Alone Policy?
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